Mary Koliousi Champa

Mary Koliousi Champa, is a Greek Alternative Therapist, working with people for more than two decades by facilitating seminars and giving private sessions both in Greece and abroad, on a frequent basis.

She is also the active Director of Humaniversity Greece, since 2012, on Veeresh’s special request.


In 1998, she started her own spiritual journey, during which she met Premartha and Svarup. She gives series of individual Primal sessions since 2005.


She is also a qualified Humaniversity therapist, an AUM Meditation Leader, a Flushing Leader, a Reiki master, a Time Therapist (trained by Manuel Schoch), and an Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Therapist.


She leads groups such as:


– Chakra and meditation,

– Opening to breast love,

– Ancient Shamanic Healing Processes,

– Personal Power,

– Victim and Tyran,

– Codependency and many more.

Having worked in many countries, with people of various nationalities, cultures, convictions, genders etc. she is able to support people in various ways in their metamorphosis. She has never ceased to learn and to train to new techniques and processes.


Tel.: 0030 697 28 38 490
