Premi Işıl Tekecik

Premi Işıl Tekecik

She was born in İstanbul in 1988.

She is a meditator. Her journey started in 2010 when she met with yoga, meditation and Osho. As her path deepens, in 2018 she met with Premartha and Svarup and primal deconditioning process. She fell in love with their work. Since then she has been traveling to attend their retreats and trainings and assisting them with their online and live groups.

Her passion is to share this work and meditation as she finds it as a great tool to live this life fully with love and awareness. She believes this work liberates one self from the limiting beliefs and opens a door for a living in authenticity and truth and love.

She teaches yoga, facilitates meditations and organizes yoga & meditation events for corporate organizations.

She gives individual childhood deconditioning and healing adolescence sessions. Both online and face to face in Istanbul and both in English and Turkish.

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