Tantra Sexual Deconditioning Facilitators Training is a brand-new way of exploring and dissolving our conditioning around sexuality and sensuousness. It teaches to re-own these energies and become playful, creative and meditative with it. It’s a unique One Year process consisting of four 5 day Modules. For all those who wish to facilitate individual sessions and group workshops on topics of Tantra and Sexual Deconditioning. […]
The Childhood De-conditioning Training Process is focused on: Learning how to support a client or ourselves in healing childhood negative experiences and understanding how those impact our adult lives. Learning childhood developmental phases and their potential. Reclaiming and reconnecting with the aliveness and the natural qualities that got wounded or mistreated when experiencing childhood negative events, during our human developmental phases as children. Integrating in […]
HEALING THE INNER TEENAGER TRAINING This process guides you through your teenage, healing the wounds of that time and retrieving the qualities that are the essence of a healthy teenage. The awakening sexual energy of a teenager is a gift. It is not only a potential source of physical pleasure. It also makes life an adventure and eventually a search. Healing and embracing your […]
In this Training, we want to share our understanding and our exprerience of 30 years or work on Primal issues around the field of meditation. Our understanding ia that releasing consiously whatever emotion ( Positive or Negative ) has remained locked or kept in our past, will give us a chance to be more available to the present, and make space, inside and around […]