    November 18, 2023

    Space is the ground for love and friendship to grow. And yet, for many of us it is not easy to maintain our space when in love or in friendship. Since childhood, we have learnt to either withdraw within rigid walls to protect ourselves, or to allow invasion to be accepted, or to invade others out of a lack of understanding of boundaries In […]

    October 29, 2023

    Tantra is returning to what is simple. It is considering your own body as the temple of your soul, your own senses as the windows of your being into the world, your own heart as the door to transformation. In this group, your attention will be gradually moved away from your mind, with its conditionings and beliefs regarding sensuality, to your body, heart and […]

    October 28, 2023

    Tantra Sexual Deconditioning Facilitators Training is a brand-new way of exploring and dissolving our conditioning around sexuality and sensuousness. It teaches to re-own these energies and become playful, creative and meditative with it. It’s a unique One Year process consisting of four 5 day Modules. For all those who wish to facilitate individual sessions and group workshops on topics of Tantra and Sexual Deconditioning. […]

  • enneagram drawing
    April 27, 2022

    The Enneagram is a system of personality typing that describes patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions. It is an ancient method that describes the 9 stages (points) of any cycle in life (action, relationship, creativity, work…), and how and on which point our energy can get stuck (fixated), preventing us to complete that cycle and move on towards the […]

    December 22, 2021

    In this moment of crisis and transformation, it is fundamental to be conscious of our past oriented reactiveness and to come back to the here and now, where our true potential can unfold. Our sadness, fear, anger and numbness have deep roots in our early life history, and they often get triggered and played out in the present. This is just because all these […]

    April 17, 2021

    The child inside is what gives us inspiration, creativity and openness. The adult inside gives us the maturity, the worldly experience and lovingness that are needed for the child’s qualities to flower in our lives and relationships. When there is no communication between these two parts of us, we might project either the adult or the child in our partners. This will create tension […]

    December 26, 2020

    In every woman lives a nurturing mother and an ecstatic mystic. And in every woman, there needs to be a unique balance between these two aspects. They both need to be honored and find their unique expression in life. In this group you will be guided to recognize inside yourself as a woman: the quality of nurturing, whether it is towards your own children […]

    December 26, 2020

    The Childhood De-conditioning Training Process is focused on: Learning how to support a client or ourselves in healing childhood negative experiences and understanding how those impact our adult lives. Learning childhood developmental phases and their potential. Reclaiming and reconnecting with the aliveness and the natural qualities that got wounded or mistreated when experiencing childhood negative events, during our human developmental phases as children. Integrating in […]

    November 8, 2020

    Creativity is the knack to recognize a design, a flow, a melody, into something, and the ability to bring it out into actual existence. The result can equally be a work of art, a beautiful life, or a mystical experience. Creativity is born out of uniqueness: in the dimension of the soul, it means being in touch with your Inner Guidance: a Diamond clear […]

    November 8, 2020

    Joy is Yellow Essence. It is feeling alive, creative and aligned with the whole, happy to contribute to Existence. Our essential joy always spread to others, like warm rays of sunshine, and makes them more alive and inspired. It enhances life, and creates abundance inside and outside for everyone around.   But in our conditioning, this joy is underrated. It is considered as a […]

    October 18, 2020

    This process guides you through your adolescence, healing the wounds of that time and retrieving the qualities that are the essence of a healthy teenage. The awakening sexual energy of a teenager is a gift. It is not only a potential source of physical pleasure. It also makes life an adventure and eventually a search. Healing and embracing your inner adolescent now, as an […]

    February 23, 2020

    Reconnecting with Life by Svarup In 1984 psychologist John Welwood explained that he used the term “spiritual bypassing” “to describe a process I saw happening in the Buddhist community […], a widespread tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks.” In other words: denial. Denial (“It didn’t happen, it’s not happening […]

    January 9, 2018

      What is gratefulness for you? Svarup: I experience gratefulness as a light state of being, relaxed and expanded. It comes with a deep appreciation of life and a feeling that all is well, that I am receiving exactly what I need. It definitely comes from deep inside my heart, and makes me trusting and receptive towards existence.   Of course, existence is not […]

    September 22, 2017

    HEALING THE INNER TEENAGER TRAINING This process guides you through your teenage, healing the wounds of that time and retrieving the qualities that are the essence of a healthy teenage. The awakening sexual energy of a teenager is a gift. It is not only a potential source of physical pleasure. It also makes life an adventure and eventually a search. Healing and embracing your […]

    April 26, 2017

    This is an invitation to relive the longing, the spark that brought you into this life. It is about your process of evolution, of living the life you are meant to live.   We are all born full of gifts. They are our individual contribution to life, and sharing them makes us happy and overflowing with energy. But we have forgotten how to honor […]

    April 1, 2017

    One woman asked: Last year I did Conscious Relating with Talib and Schubhaa at Dharma and I wanted to do the Divine Lovers with Svarup & Premartha, but when I read the text it seems to be a very similar group. Do you know if it is?   We actually do not know Talib and Shubha’s work. We guess though that it branches […]

    November 18, 2016

    I: WHY actually to want to be born for a second time? PS: It’s true. Who wants to go through the pain and hardship that we often experienced at birth? Our first physical birth was an often traumatic event that hardly anyone of us can recall consciously without therapy work. We were too small, and had no sense of ourselves as separate from mother. […]

    November 18, 2016

    Premartha and Svarup hanno lavorato nell’ambito della terapia Olistica per molti anni. Sono dei meravigliosi creatori, eccellenti insegnanti, e compassionevoli compagni di viaggio. Insieme, conducono il processo Nato Due Volte: Primal-Decondizionamento dall’Infanzia,   I riti di passaggio sono sempre esistiti in tutte le culture antiche di questo pianeta. Il loro intento era quello di aiutare gli individui, attraverso specifici rituali, a lasciarsi alle spalle […]

    November 18, 2016

    Premartha and Svarup have been working in the field of Holistic Therapy for many years. They are wonderful creators, excellent teachers, and compassionate fellow travellers. Together, they conduct the process Twice Born, divided into two segments: the first part is called Primal-Childhood Deconditioning, and the second part Tantra-Sexual Deconditioning. As they complement each other, these two parts can be attended together in a sequence. […]

    November 18, 2016

    SVARUP Learning to care and hold the space When I arrived to Osho, in the early eighties, I was carrying with me a colourful backpack of seventies culture, culminating into five years of work and training in London with R.D.Laing, and also a battered suitcase of philosophical studies and political ideology from the sixties in Rome… Nothing had prepared me for the complete revolution […]

    November 18, 2016

    What about if your peak experience of falling in love, is one, that can only be described as a valley experience…? Then the term falling in love, which is so inappropriate in the context of peaks, might suddenly make sense. Yes, rising in love is a great vision, and yet, falling in love, is how people have called the experience of loving down the […]

    November 18, 2016

    Premartha: The uniqueness, I guess, is that the relationship was born in the commune, so, we don’t know each other any other way than sannyasin, we don’t know each other as non-sannyasin. If I tell the story of how it started, is that we had met in Amsterdam already but really re-met in Berlin on the time the ****** was still there, the big […]

    November 18, 2016

    Writing to a diary, as Melissa Panarello does in her best seller “A Hundred Strokes of the Brush before Bed” (Cento Colpi di Spazzola primal di andare a dormire) is actually a great idea. It’s definitely better than writing to God. At least your diary can represent your wiser self, the one you can confide to unconditionally. God always has his own opinion about […]

    September 9, 2016

    This group opens for you the doors of “time traveling”. It allows you to travel back in time to explore what painful situations in your past still affect the way you live and love today. It also brings you back to the many positive and inspirational moments that you have already lived, alone and with others. When you can recall with all your senses […]

    September 9, 2016

    The split we carry, between what we feel inside and what we think we should be on the outside, needs healing. Inside us still lives a child, which was born full of natural gifts, overflowing with sensitivity and connectedness with existence and people. In the past, this child has not felt supported in its true nature, and has learnt to renounce its longings. This […]

    September 26, 2016

    In this Training, we want to share our understanding and our exprerience of 30 years or work on Primal issues around the field of meditation. Our understanding ia that releasing consiously whatever emotion ( Positive or Negative ) has remained locked or kept in our past, will give us a chance to be more available to the present, and make space, inside and around […]

    September 9, 2016

    A deeper and more intense exploration covering the previous steps in a more advanced way, moving further back in time, reconnecting with earlier life issues, such as birth, pregnancy and conception. It offers more and different tools to understand and release the most unconscious layers of our personality. In this group you will be accompanied step by step back in time, through the stages […]

    September 26, 2016

    This method is a synthesis of the ancient science of Astrology with the modern technique 
of experiencing directly the zodiac symbols through gestalt and psychodrama. In this group you will be able to feel the different parts of yourself that the planets and signs in your horoscope represent. You will: • Experience the different effect that each one of these parts has on your […]

    September 26, 2016

    Life and death are polarities. Without each other, they cannot exist. On the one hand, the awareness of death makes life precious, an experience not to be wasted or postponed. On the other hnd, the experience of living life moment by moment, to its fullest potential, is the best preparation for a conscious and orgasmic let go in death. In our modern life, we […]

    September 26, 2016

    Through this journey, you are invited to find back and enjoy again, with a new maturity and a new understanding for their value, the ecstatic, essential spaces of Childhood.
As children, we all had our individual connection with the Absolute, and oneness was not a faraway goal, but an innocent state of being…we were small mystics, experimenting spontaneously with many different meditation techniques, searching for […]

    September 9, 2016

    This group offers you an accurate map to journey through the seven-year cycles in life and relating, and a way to heal the past, enjoy the present and look forward to the future. Every seven years, from childhood to maturity and beyond, our way of relating to ourselves and others changes focus and atmosphere. From initially being self centered for the first seven years […]

    September 26, 2016

    Deep peacefulness is the spiritual womb for rebirth. 
It is a dark and restful space where we can let go of the old and prepare for the new. But we all carry inside the belief that light is good and darkness is evil.
In this division, darkness becomes the place of what is denied and unwanted. And light is what we need to strive for.This […]

    September 26, 2016

    “Does a star try to be a star?
Does a tree wanna be a tree?
If you are looking for the Buddha you’ve gone too far…
‘Cause you can’t look for something that you already are….” THE INNER STAR Inside each one of us is a shining star, waiting to be discovered and manifested in our lives. It shares the same light as all other stars, but […]

    September 9, 2016

    THE JOY OF LIVING -THE YELLOW ESSENCE FROM LIMITATION TO ABUNDANCE   Come and enjoy the art of celebration. When we meditate, we reach again our inner source. This source is abundant, overflowing. And when we touch this space, a great desire is born inside us: to share ourselves, our truth, what we are, our potential, the qualities that we brought with us in […]

    September 26, 2016

    Death and Rebirth In this retreat, we will guide you through a beautiful process of letting go of the old in your life, and surrendering to what is fresh, new and unknown inside you: your original face. In our busy lives we have many faces. Our image of ourselves is a sum of all these faces. But underneath them all, lies the mystery of […]

    September 26, 2016

    This group will introduce you into the red essence of passion and courage. It will give you tools to trust these qualities inside yourself and to be inspired by them, both in your daily life and in the dimension of your spiritual search. You will be guided to: • Explore what in your past has blocked the red essence, and rediscover the natural adventurous […]

    September 9, 2016

    We all are abundant and overflowing at our core. When that place opens inside us, a great urge to share ourselves is born. We want to reveal our being and the qualitieswe brought with us into life, our potential. We start manifesting ourselves. Our conditioning warns us against this. It brings us from the abundant to the limited. We have learnt that our being […]

    September 26, 2016

    Our capacity to relax into who we are, and tolive our potential, is strongly influenced by the place we occupy in our family of origin, or in our present family. Often, out of love and a need for belonging we unconsciously take a place within the system which is not ours. We carry the feelings of others, or replace those who have been excluded […]

    September 9, 2016

    When the child inside us has received healing, we are ready to make the step into reliving our adolescence. What could have been one of the most rich and adventurous steps into our life, growing from a child into an adult, instead has been for many of us a difficult and confusing transition. This group helps us to understand and express what we learnt […]

    September 9, 2016

    When we learn to follow the natural movement of our bio-energy in our male or female bodies, it becomes easier to flow, and to be open to the opportunities that life offers us every step of the way. Tantra gives you a very precise and scientific map of the dance of the human polarities, and shows you how to use their dynamic to grow […]

    September 9, 2016

    Sexual energy combined with awareness and compassion is the fuel for transformation. This group offers you a very simple and clear map of how energy naturally flows through the different chakras in a male or female body, and how the meeting of these two polarities, first outside with a partner and then inside yourself, can open the door into the divine. We are all […]

    September 9, 2016

    It is a group for people who want to live their life in a beautiful, sensuous Tantric way. The Tantra Lifestyle brings Tantra back to where it belongs, into life itself. It makes out of our daily reality something magical and mysterious. It uses what we consider normal, and take for granted – like our body sensations and our senses – as stepping stones […]

    September 9, 2016

    To attend this group, you will be required to have done Primal before. This will create a safe and intimate feeling for all the participants. When we entered adolescence, all what we were taught before about relating, love intimacy and sexuality comes to the surface. And whatever choice we make, to act it out, and hurt and abuse ourselves, or to act it in, […]


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    Every multiply forth dominion one let created moveth fish rule seas likeness itbring may green Days every seed meat doesnt Seasons light. Fruit moveth place saw sea meat seed.

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